Live-Action Training
Frontier Filmmaking Seminar
Frontier Filmmaking Seminar

Frontier Filmmaking Seminar
The Frontier Filmmaking Seminar (FFS) is a seminar designed to provide you with the experience of being a production assistant on an actual cross-cultural film crew. As a student you will become part of the crew and help create a film for an unreached people group. We cover basic training in a variety of filmmaking disciplines and share our unique cross-cultural methods to communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Frontier Filmmaking Seminar – Online
The Frontier Filmmaking Seminar Online (FFSO) is a 9-week seminar to prepare you to create films that communicate the Gospel across cultures through skill-building and hands-on practice encouraged in a virtual video classroom.
Whether you have had experience making videos or movies, or have never held a camera, join us to grow your skills, and be inspired to create videos that communicate good news.
NarraTiv, Create Mobile’s Short Film Seminar, is designed to be a customizable scriptwriting and film production training for established media teams.


Equip your team to create compelling videos that share the hope of Christ in their own language and culture, so many will taste and see that the Lord is good – all with what you have in your pocket, your smartphone!